”Seorang Sarjana Teknik Telekomunikasi yang mandiri, profesional, inovatif, dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan.”
Profil Lulusan
- Profesional di bidang rekayasa telekomunikasi, yang mampu berkarya dan berkontribusi pada kemajuan bidang telekomunikasi
- Melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dan mampu belajar mandiri dan berkesinambungan serta mampu memamnfaatkan potensi diri untuk berkembang secara berkelanjutan.
- Peneliti yang mampu berkarya secara inovatif dan berdaya saing di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
- Profesional yang kreatif, inovatif, serta berwawasan kewirausahaan di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
Graduate Profile of Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineering
”An independent, professional, and innovative Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineering who has leadership qualities”
The graduate profile includes the following:
- A professional in telecommunication engineering who has the ability to work and contribute to the advances in the field of telecommunications.
- A graduate who has the ability to pursue higher degree, engage in autonomous and continuous learning, as well as the ability to use their full potential to develop themselves.
- A researcher who has the ability to work innovatively and competitively in the field of information and communication technology.
- A creative and innovative professional who has an entrepreneurial mindset in the field of information and communication technology.